Du och Jag : Dialogiska möten kring text i resursskolans klassrum

Sammanfattning: This thesis takes an interest in the literacy practices in a Special Educational Needs (SEN) classroom for grades 7-9 in a compulsory school, where most students are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The diagnosis ASD often implies difficulties related to print literacy as well as deficits in social interaction (ICD5), and many of these students show a relatively low rate of passing grades in school. A possible explanation for this is that social interaction and literacy are considered as key abilities in the view on learning in the Education Act, and therefore crucial for reaching the knowledge requirements stated in the curricula. The relation between the difficulties implied by the diagnosis and necessary abilities for reaching knowledge requirements in school constitutes a special educational dilemma. Considering this dilemma, the aim of this study is to make visible, from a relational perspective, the prerequisites for participation in literacy practices in a SEN group for students diagnosed with ASD. The research question is: What obstacles and opportunities for participation in the classroom literacy practices appear for the focus students? The empirical material was produced through an ethnographic approach, where the participants were followed for one year. Video and interviews were used as methods for data production. The theoretical framework is relational pedagogy, and Martin Buber’s concepts are used to analyze the relational dimensions in the classroom interactions around text. The results show how relational aspects of teacher-student meetings affect the possibilities for student participation in interactions around text. The study concludes that educators’ relational competence plays a crucial role for the students’ opportunities to participate in literacy practices. The findings have implications for practice that are applicable for teaching students with special educational needs as well as for teaching in the general classroom.