Satsmotsvarigheter i finsk prosa under 1600-talet : participialkonstruktionen och därmed synonyma icke-finita uttryck i jämförelse med språkbruket före och efter 1600-talet

Sammanfattning: The present work is a study of the non-finite equivalents of the Latin accusative and infinitive in 17th century Finnish prose. The analysis is based on excerpts from a corpus comprising some 22 million words (the number of words in a modern work of fiction is normally 70,000 - 100,000). The constructions dealt with are mainly the participial and the translative constructions.In Part I the treatment of the two constructions in the grammars of the 17th century up to the present day is discussed.Part II is a quantitative and qualitative study of the participial and translative constructions in the 17th century corpus. The study is also comparative, in that different kinds of 17th century prose are analyzed. Religious prose, biblical prose and legal language are compared. The results arrived at are then compared with usage in Early Literary Finnish and Modern Finnish. Besides frequency matrix verbs, the predicate arid the primary NP (subject or object) of the constructions are investigated. Several other features which differ from contemporary usage, are also discussed: negation in the participial construction, the occurrence of adverbials - integrated or peripheral - in the translative construction and the co-ordination of the two constructions with other modes of expression such as clauses, infinitives or nouns. The majority of the results are presented in the form of tables both in Part I and Part II.Besides the participial and translative constructions other modes of expression, which normally do not occur in the Standard Finnish of today but were used as synonyms for the participial construction in Old Literary Finnish, are presented - albeit only qualitatively. Adjectives derived from present participles occur sporadically in participial function; furthermore, various infinitive constructions are used instead of the participial construction.