Pressure-Induced Amorphization and Distinct Amorphous States of Clathrate Hydrates

Sammanfattning: This thesis summarizes a study on the pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) and structures of amorphous states of clathrate hydrates (CHs).PIA involves the transition of a crystalline material into an amorphous solid in response of mechanical compression at temperatures well below the melting point. The first material observed to undergo PIA was hexagonal ice. More recently it was shown that compounds of water undergo the same phenomenon without decomposition, despite the presence of solutes. CHs, which are crystalline inclusion compounds consisting of water molecules encaging small guest species, undergo PIA at ca. 1–4 GPa below 145 K. The obtained amorphous CH phase can be further densified on isobaric heating at high pressure. This annealing step enables to retain an amorphous material on pressure release. There has been a significant amount of studies into the understanding of the nature of PIA and transformations between amorphous phases of pure ice. The aim of this thesis has been the understanding of the PIA in CHs and its relation to pure ice. New information on the nature of PIA and subsequent amorphous-amorphous transitions in CH systems were gained from structural studies and in situ neutron diffraction played pivotal role due to the sensitivity of neutrons to the light element hydrogen. Here a generalized understanding of the PIA in CHs and a clear image of amorphous CH structures are presented.