Universell utformning i praktiken : förståelse, genomförande och samskapande

Sammanfattning: The thesis is a compilation of four articles and deals with Universal design in practice. This concept for designing for all is according to the Swedish Parliament and Government a guiding principle for the society. It is part of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The thesis contributes with knowledge about the understanding, implementation and co-creation of Universal design. Using qualitative research methods, interviews and group discussions have been conducted with 55 people with different backgrounds. Participant observation has been made in three Swedish municipalities. Three urban development projects were studied. Universal design was guiding them in different ways. In the analysis, themes were developed through qualitative content analysis.The results show a multifaceted understanding of Universal design: ethical principle for inclusion of diversity, vision of an equal society and unification of policy perspectives. Participants emphasized flexibility, predictability, and personalized support. In the urban development projects, Universal design was linked to accessibility and thus became part of a rationalistic and result-oriented planning model where accessibility is seen as a separate and target group-oriented interest with a focus on regulatory compliance. Collaboration between the municipality and local disability organizations was formal and established. Different conditions and expectations created tensions about roles and interpretation of user perspectives. Users' disability experience was seen as information to facilitate processes or as part of negotiations to influence outcomes. Limiting the target group to people with impairments restricts the room for manoeuvre. But the conditions exist for integrating disability experiences into urban development with situational and co-creative working methods.The thesis shows the need to clarify the concepts of accessibility and Universal design. In order not to lose sight of aspects of creativity and co-creation, a model was developed based on the empirical data. Accessibility is focusedon planning and control in the present and Universal design towards a space of future possibilities for innovation. In implementation, perspectives should complement each other. Local contextualization means that the understanding and practice of Universal design will exhibit a diversity of expressions. The thesis is relevant for research on design, architecture, policy, and disability, but also for practical accessibility work.