Managers’ Work, Working Conditions and Wellbeing in Small Companies with Profitable Growth

Sammanfattning: Background Managers’ work, working conditions and wellbeing are important determinants of occupational health in organizations. Nevertheless, little research has investigated these factors in the context of small growing businesses, which are known to contribute to employment, economic growth and social stability. The aim of this thesis was to explore managers’ work, working conditions and wellbeing in the context of small businesses with profitable growth. Methods Study I used a cross-sectional design to assess patterns in managerial work activities and leadership behaviours. Studies II–IV used qualitative interviews with managers (II–IV) and employees (II) to explore the effects of managers’ wellbeing on their leadership (II), their working conditions (III), and changes in their working conditions and wellbeing in the context of growing small businesses (IV).Results Managers worked long hours, posing risks for occupational health, but also adopted work practices that bolster occupational health. Firm size matters for managerial work. Managers’ wellbeing reflected in their mood and energy levels and influenced their leadership behaviours and performance, and the company’s work environment. Managers were more constructive when they felt well, and more passively destructive when they felt unwell. Certain factors mitigated the consequences of their negative behaviours in the organization. Five types of managers’ demands and resources (daily managerial work; achievement of results; and social; organizational; and individual factors) were identified, where the specificity of the small business context revealed unique characteristics. Company growth changed managers’ experiences of working conditions and wellbeing.Conclusions The specific context of small growing businesses shaped managers’ work, working conditions and wellbeing and the interplay between them. Dynamism in the organizational context due to growth had implications for managers’ work, working conditions and wellbeing.