Creating Knowledge with Data Science for Design in Systems

Sammanfattning: Designing in large-scale engineering systems is a difficult cognitive task undertaken by experts. Knowledge of experts continually changes as they are confronted with similar by different problems in designing in such systems. However, it is also important that designers are presented information that is representative of the system,and that they are cognizant of activities on a system scale so they can create diverse choices for designs in early phase of design process.Data Science has been proven to be effective at informing people for decisions at immediate horizons. But the use of data science to drive long terms designs where experts have to make the right series of decisions i.e. designs is yet unknown. The use of data science is to inform decision makers of activities at system scale.In this thesis, I have looked at how data science can be used to create knowledge in designers for designing in large scale systems. I have also investigated further questions regarding imitation of expertise using AI, and in generating similar knowledge by creating diverse options in design.The results point out that data science can indeed inform designers, change their designs and hence create knowledge. They also point out that design cognition in experts can be partly imitated in data science itself, through careful modeling of the ill-defined problem in design. This therefore points to a promising future direction where data can be used as an interface between human thinking and machine learning, by translation of conceptual forms such as differential diagnoses and cognitive artefacts using data.