Sökning: "wennergren"

Visar resultat 1 - 5 av 23 avhandlingar innehållade ordet wennergren.

  1. 1. Studies of tibial fractures using the Swedish Fracture Register

    Författare :David Wennergren; Göteborgs universitet; []
    Nyckelord :MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; Fracture register; Tibial Fracture; Classification; Reliability; Agreement; Accuracy; Epidemiology; Incidence; Treatment; Reoperation;

    Sammanfattning : This thesis has two topics. First, the creation and application of the Swedish Fracture Register (SFR) is described. Second, a series of studies of tibial fractures based on data from the SFR follows. LÄS MER

  2. 2. Aspects of central integrative and efferent mechanisms in cardiovascular reflex control

    Författare :Göran Wennergren; Göteborgs universitet; []
    Nyckelord :MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; Afferent Pathways; physiology; Animals; Arteries; physiology; Blood Circulation; Blood Pressure; Brain; physiology; Cats; Chemoreceptor Cells; physiology; Coronary Circulation; Coronary Vessels; physiology; Efferent Pathways; physiology; Electric Stimulation; Female; Heart; innervation; physiology; Heart Rate; Hypothalamus; physiology; Male; Pressoreceptors; physiology; Reflex; Sympathetic Nervous System; physiology; Ventricular Function;

    Sammanfattning : .... LÄS MER

  3. 3. Dialogkompetens i skolans vardag : En aktionsforskningsstudie i hörselklassmiljö

    Författare :Ann-Christine Wennergren; Sture Brändström; Karin Rönnerman; Anders Ågren; Gunilla Härnsten; Luleå tekniska universitet; []
    Nyckelord :SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; hard-of-hearing pupils; dialogue competence; critical friends; school improvement; participatory action research; sociocultural theories; Music Education;

    Sammanfattning : In classes for hard-of-hearing pupils there are children and young people with different degrees of impaired hearing, all of whom need hearing aids and technical equipment inthe environment. The initial problem area of the present thesis concerned the pattern of communication in the classroom. LÄS MER

  4. 4. Incitamenta vitæ innocentis, dissertatione graduali, ex consensu ampliss. ordinis philosoph. in Regia Academia Upsaliensi, sub moderamine ... Andreæ Grönwall ... in Audit. Gustav. Majori, die 5. Junii anni MDCCXXXIX. ... Bonorum examini modeste submittit S:æ R:æ M:tis Stipendiarius, Johannes Wennergren, Wester-Gothus

    Författare :Anders Grönwall; Joh. Wennergren; Anders Grönwall; Uppsala universitet; []

    Sammanfattning : .... LÄS MER

  5. 5. Dissertatio gradualis, de cornibus, in veterum epulis freqventatis, qvam, suffragio ampliss. facvlt. philosoph. in regia academia Upsaliensi, sub præsidio ... mag. Petri Ekerman ... in audit. Car. maj. die VIII. Junii, anno MDCCLXIV. H. P. M. S. publicæ bonorum censuræ defert Sveno A. Wennergren, Gothoburgensis

    Författare :Petrus Ekerman; Sven A. Wennergren; Petrus Ekerman; Uppsala universitet; []

    Sammanfattning : .... LÄS MER