Sökning: "sound hearing 2012"

Hittade 4 avhandlingar innehållade orden sound hearing 2012.

  1. 1. Transmission of bone conducted sound in the human skull based on vibration and perceptual measures

    Författare :Måns Eeg-Olofsson; Göteborgs universitet; []
    Nyckelord :MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; Bone conducted sound; Cochlear vibration; Hearing perception; Bone conduction implant;

    Sammanfattning : For patients who are rehabilitated with bone conduction (BC) hearing aids, the position on the skull of the hearing aid is critical for the perception of the sound. The aim of this work was to describe the vibration of the cochlea from BC sound stimulation at different positions on the skull. LÄS MER

  2. 2. A Novel Bone Conduction Implant System

    Författare :Hamidreza Taghavi; Chalmers tekniska högskola; []
    Nyckelord :TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; sound radiation; amplitude modulation; low-power systems.; bone conduction implant; feedback; bone anchored hearing aid; RF power amplifier; gain headroom; implantable transducer; wireless power and data transmission; RF power and data link;

    Sammanfattning : Bone conduction is the process by which an acoustic signal vibrates the skull bones to stimulate the cochlea. Patients with pure conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, and single sided deafness are sometimes poorly rehabilitated by conventional air conduction hearing aids due to for example the functionality losses in the middle ear. LÄS MER

  3. 3. Noise in the preschool : health and preventive measures

    Författare :Fredrik Sjödin; Ulf Landström; Anders Kjellberg; Anders Knutsson; Mats Nilsson; Umeå universitet; []
    Nyckelord :MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; Noise; hearing disorders; stress; health; occupational environment; preventive measures; intervention; Occupational and Environmental Medicine; arbets- och miljömedicin;

    Sammanfattning : This thesis is based on noise recordings and health evaluations carried out at preschools in the northern part of Sweden. Sound level recordings were made on individuals and by use of stationary devices in dining rooms and play halls. Health evaluations were based on ratings by use of questionnaires and by analyses of cortisol. LÄS MER

  4. 4. Cognitive performance and restoration in open-plan office noise

    Författare :Helena Jahncke; Mats Nilsson; Staffan Hygge; Luleå tekniska universitet; []

    Sammanfattning : This dissertation presents four experimental studies (in four papers) with the overall aim to investigate the effects of office noise on cognitive performance and restoration. In the first two papers the focus was on the effects of different sound levels (i.e. LÄS MER