Sökning: "daniel ekbåge"

Hittade 2 avhandlingar innehållade orden daniel ekbåge.

  1. 1. Process modelling based on data from an evaporation and a CTMP process : Analysis of energy efficiency and process variability

    Författare :Daniel Ekbåge; Lars Nilsson; Helena Håkansson; Per Engstrand; Karlstads universitet; []
    Nyckelord :TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; CTMP; process modelling; evaporation; energy efficiency; Miljö- och energisystem; Environmental and Energy Systems;

    Sammanfattning : The manufacture of pulp and paper is an energy intensive process configured of several unit processes that shape a network of flows of wood chips, chemical pulp, mechanical pulp, paperboard, steam and other important components. Improved energy efficiency supports sustainability of the process and the products. LÄS MER

  2. 2. Process modelling in pulp and paper manufacture : Application studies with aspects of energy efficiency and product quality

    Författare :Daniel Ekbåge; Lars Nilsson; Helena Håkansson; Birgitta Engberg; Karlstads universitet; []
    Nyckelord :TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; CTMP; freeness; process modelling; board machine; multiple effect evaporator; Miljö- och energisystem; Environmental and Energy Systems;

    Sammanfattning : The manufacture of pulp and paper is an energy intensive process configured of several unit processes that shape a network of flows of wood chips, chemical pulp, mechanical pulp, board and other important components. Improved energy efficiency supports sustainability of the process and the products. LÄS MER