Sökning: "Yassir"

Hittade 4 avhandlingar innehållade ordet Yassir.

  1. 1. Immunological effects of interferon-beta and glatiramer acetate in multiple sclerosis

    Författare :Yassir Hussien; Karolinska Institutet; Karolinska Institutet; []
    Nyckelord :Multiple sclerosis; Interferon-beta; Glatiramer acetate; Dendritic cells; Mononucealar cells;

    Sammanfattning : Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, which results in demyelination, axonal loss and neurological deficits. The aetiology is unknown, however, immunopathological events, which are believed to be of an autoimmune nature, are considered to be responsible for the development of the disease. LÄS MER

  2. 2. Statistical Learning in Linearly Structured Systems: Identification, Control, and Reinforcement Learning

    Författare :Yassir Jedra; Alexandre Proutiere; Alexander Rakhlin; KTH; []
    Nyckelord :TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Machine Learning; Statistical Learning; Control Theory; Reinforcement Learning; System Identification; Electrical Engineering; Elektro- och systemteknik;

    Sammanfattning : In this thesis, we investigate the design and statistical efficiency of learning algorithms in systems with a linear structure. This study is carried along three main domains, namely identification, control, and reinforcement learning, and is presented as a collection of five papers. LÄS MER

  3. 3. Microgels as drug delivery vehicles : loading and release of amphiphilic drugs

    Författare :Yassir Al-Tikriti; Per Hansson; Magnus Bergström; Matthew Libera; Uppsala universitet; []
    Nyckelord :MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; microgel; amphiphilic drug; phase separation; micropipette; Raman microscopy; controlled release; drug delivery; SAXS; Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry; Farmaceutisk fysikalisk kemi;

    Sammanfattning : Polyelectrolyte microgels are used as delivery vehicles for amphiphilic drugs in, e.g., treatments of liver cancer by a method called trans-arterial chemoembolization. LÄS MER

  4. 4. Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Meteoritic and Synthetic Fe-Ni Alloys

    Författare :Yassir Ahmed Mohamed Abdu; Hans Annersten; Tore Ericsson; Johan Linden; Uppsala universitet; []
    Nyckelord :NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; Earth sciences; Meteorites; Tetrataenite; Antitaenite; Mössbauer spectroscopy; Mechanical alloying; Fe-Ni alloys; High pressure; Geovetenskap; Earth sciences; Geovetenskap; mineralogi; petrologi och tektonik; Mineral Chemistry; Petrology and Tectonics;

    Sammanfattning : This thesis reports on the results of investigating Fe-containing minerals in meteorites, with focus on Fe-Ni minerals and their magnetic properties, along with some synthetic Fe-Ni analogues. The New Halfa meteorite, which fell in Sudan 1994, has been studied using Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analysis techniques, and classified as an ordinary L-type chondrite of petrologic type 4. LÄS MER