Sökning: "Systolic array"

Visar resultat 6 - 7 av 7 avhandlingar innehållade orden Systolic array.

  1. 6. Massive MIMO: Prototyping, Proof-of-Concept and Implementation

    Författare :Steffen Malkowsky; Institutionen för elektro- och informationsteknik; []
    Nyckelord :TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Massive MIMO; Testbed Design; Prototyping; ASIP; Processor;

    Sammanfattning : Wireless communication is evolving rapidly with ever more connected devicesand significantly increasing data rates. Since the invention of the smartphoneand the mass introduction of mobile apps, users demand more andmore traffic to stream music, watch high-definition video or to simply browsethe internet. LÄS MER

  2. 7. Invasive and Non-Invasive Quantification of Cardiac Kinematics

    Författare :Katarina Kindberg; Matts Karlsson; Bjørn Skallerud; Linköpings universitet; []

    Sammanfattning : The ability to measure and quantify myocardial motion and deformation provides a useful tool to assist in the diagnosis, prognosis and management of heart disease. Myocardial motion can be measured by means of several different types of data acquisition. LÄS MER