Monitor the heart simply and smooth : with less artefacts using bluetooth

Sammanfattning: Denna avhandling behandlar tekniska mojligheter for utveckling av ett tradlost EKG-overvakningssystem. Ett stort arbete har lagts vid att utveckla ett fysiskt litet och latt system som ger patienten en smidig och komfortabel overvakning. Detta ger aven medvetna fordelar i ett forsok att reducera de storningar som paverkar registreringen av hjartats elektriska aktivitet och som tyvarr ar frekvent forekommande. Avhandlingen omfattar fyra papper. Tre behandlar hur Bluetooth? teknologi kan anvandas i ett patientovervakningssystem samt ett vilket behandlar artefakter vid EKG overvakning. Bluetooth? har valts tack vare standardens robusta och sakra radiokommunikation dess laga stromforbrukning och minimala storlek, vilket ger en attraktiv mojlighet for denna typ av system.Mitt storsta intresse i detta arbete ar utveckling av den patientnara delen och behovet utav ett sadant system. Resultaten visar att Bluetooth? ar fullt mojligt att anvandas och ar val lampat for tradlos patient overvakning This thesis discus the possibilities for the development of a wireless ECG monitoring system. Great efforts have been made to make this system physically small and lighted, as this will give the patient a suitable and comfortable surveillance. It will also give advances in reducing the frequently occurring artefacts that affects the registration of the hearts electrical activity.The thesis comprises four papers. Three about how Bluetooth? technology can be used in a patient monitoring system. The last paper is about the occurrence of artefacts in ECG supervision. Bluetooth? has been chosen due to the standards robust and secure radio communication, its low power consumption and minimal size, which makes it an attractive solution for this type of system.My biggest interest in this work is the development of the part close to the patient in, and also the need of, such a system.The results shows that it is possible to use Bluetooth?, and that it is well suited for wireless patient monitoring.

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