Konsumtion, det urbana livet och stadens morfologi : Transaktioner ur ett tidsrumsligt perspektiv

Sammanfattning: Urban consumption is both created and recreated by everyday urban life and the morphological structure of the city. Consumption is here conceived of as a drama, where a distinction can be made between consumption as a societal phenomenon and consumption as an everyday life project, which unfolds upon the city stage. The thesis analyses this mutually interdependent relationship by focusing on transactions of commodity goods and services in time and space. This is conducted through a theoretical analysis of the relationships between consumers, products and producers, in which the role of material and immaterial restrictions and institutions are emphasised. Hägerstrand’s time-geography and Lefebvre’s theory of socio-spatial dialectics are in the thesis used for the development of a time-space perspective in which moments of transactions are abstracted from transaction situations. The relationships of transactions are illustrated within their time-space context with concrete examples from Stockholm City.