Generative lessons of exclusion : re-considering everyday-living experience and approaching its meaningful description

Sammanfattning: Generally addressed in this dissertation writing are the problematic of everyday experience as an empirical social science concern, the problematic of social science as an everyday pedagogical experience, the topic of sense formation as a generative psycho-social event, and the topic of intersubjectivity as meaningful social unity. Generally offered is an alternative understanding, approach and method for a particular kind of qualitative social science inquiry treating everyday experience and shared experience, the kind enlisting experiencer accounts and aiming to describe associated experiencer meanings. The problematics, topics and methodology considerations are presented by way of an account of the dissertation situation, process and result occurrences. The account is provided in the form of critical and suggestive discussions around an attempted empirical phenomenology study of foreigner exclusion experiences in Sweden and the explications of various other orientations and approaches regarding the matter of everyday experience. The account delivery involves a regressive effort consisting of a questioning back, and the account formulation involves an experimental writing consisting of a "conversational re-presentation." The point of departure for the questioning back is the emergence of the alternative understanding comprising the main project result, an understanding which came to be generated by way of some re-considerational work associated with the attempted study. This work took place in a way characterized as relatively "consequential" and "conversational," and not only the included content but the particular way by which the work proceeded and the result emerged are emphasized as having significantly influenced the character of the understanding gained. The re-considerational effort is considered to exemplify its result. The main source of influence for the experimental writing is also the emergent alternative understanding, where the characteristics of generativity, consequentiality and conversationality are stressed.The alternative understanding offered may be expressed, in short, as "syncretic generativity." This expression addresses both the matter of everyday-living experience and the matter of approaching its meaningful description. It expresses, more specifically, a suggested attitude and mode of everyday-living experience and a suggested approach and method for experiential meaning description. "Syncretic generativity" may be characterized, in short, as a situational nexus of interactive co-contributing influences generating a trans-formational re-presentational result.