Föräldramakt på riktigt eller på låtsas? : lokala styrelser med föräldramajoritet i grundskolan

Sammanfattning: In this project, local school boards with a majority of parents are studied. Such boards are set up at a number of sdmols in Sweden as a trail. The purpose of the study is to investigate the constitution of such boards, their work and the content of items dealt with.Members (parents, teachers and principals) as well as a political representative from eight municipal boards have been interviewed. An important aspect scrutinised in interviews is the relationship between professionals, politicians and parents. In this presentation some results, with respect to achievements, problems and expectations from eight different schools are provided.Special interest is paid to the principals and how their work is affected by collaboration with the local board.The project analyses how the local board suits into the organization of the municipality into the organi7.ation of the school. The confidence and distrust in the local boards is besides analysed.