Vuxna barn med hjälpbehövande föräldrar : En livsformsanalys

Detta är en avhandling från Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis

Sammanfattning: The aim of this dissertation is to reach an understanding of the relation between the life-modes of adult "children" and their approach to parents in need of assistance. The empirical data consist of qualitative interviews, and the analytical tool used is that of Højrup's conceptual framework of life-modes.The first part of this work consists of a historical overview of the obligations of adult children towards their parents. The Swedish concept of "omsorg" (care) is problematized and criticized, and a review of earlier conducted research on the issue in question is done. The perspectives of informal care, that are discussed and subsequently analysed, are the amount of provided assistance, the importance of siblings with regard to the exchange of assistance between adult children and their parents, motives for (not) providing assistance as well as the consequences of providing assistance for the providers. Following that, Højrup's conceptual framework is discussed which includes the life-modes of the self-employed person, the wage earner and the careerist.When analyzing the qualitative interviews, three typical life-mode approaches have been identified. The approach which the self-employed person has towards his/her parent is referred to as an integrated matter of course. This involves an unreflecting approach to the contact with the parent where that which needs to be done is done without giving it much thought, often as part of the general business enterprise. The approach of the wage earner is referred to as a matter of family loyalty where the inherent value of being of assistance and keeping the family together is emphasized. The approach of the careerist, referred to as a competing circumstance, does not allow for the parent playing a "natural" part in the everyday life of the adult child. In the latter part of this work, the choice of perspectives is problematized, and the three identified approaches are referred to in termsof idealtypes. This work demonatrates that the life-mode analysis furthers the understanding of the different cultures of the life-modes, and that the theory of life-modes serves to bring about additional knowledge with regard to the issue in question.

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