Multivariable Control of a Boiler

Detta är en avhandling från Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology (LTH)

Sammanfattning: A summary of a study covering both modelling and control of a drum boiler is presented. A systematic approach to the modelling problem - numerical modelbuilding - is introduced. This technique was applied to the modelling of the drum of the boiler. The dynamics of different order models were compared. The load disturbances were modelled from measurements as a stationary stochastic process with rational spectral density function. Linear quadratic control theory was applied to
design control laws for the drum pressure and level control.
A Kalman filter for estimation of the state vector as well as
the load disturbance was included. The boiler control was simulated
on a hybrid computer.

The thesis consists of this summary and the reports
' Linear mathematical models of the drum-downcomerriser loop of a drum boiler
' Numerical modelbuilding
' Multivariable control of a boiler - An application of linear quadratic control theory